Sunday, November 8, 2009

CrossFit is THE answer!

Well, two days ago I did my first round of CrossFit with my neighbor, his wife, and a friend of theirs. My back had been getting REALLY tight from going to the gym and just working out on machines. The morning after I did my first CrossFit I got up, stretched, twisted, and turned. While doing so I heard, and felt, something that was music to my ears. Nearly every bone in my back realigned to where it needed to be! It felt so good in fact, that I went for a run before 6 AM that day in the 32 degree weather. WOW, that was a quick & cold mile, haha. I took the rest of the day off from anything really physical. I picked back up today with the "Helen" WOD (workout of the day). This timed workout consists of (3) rounds of the following: 400 meter run, 21 Kettle Belle Swings, and 12 Pull-ups. I had one issue with this though. My kettle belle weighs 35 pounds; and "Helen" calls for a 54 pound kettle belle. To rectify this I just did 33 reps per round, instead of the stated 21 reps. That way, I still moved the same amount of weight, but it just took me 36 extra reps to get there. I did "Helen" in 9:53. Not great, but not horrible; and plenty of room for improvement, haha. The point of timing the workouts is so that you can track your improvements as you progress through the world of CrossFit.

While at my neighbor's the other night he was showing me all of his CrossFit toys. One in particular stood out to me as something I had to make. It is a 10' stick of 4'' PVC capped on both ends and filled 2/3 of the way with water. It only weighs about 40 pounds, but you carry it over your head. While walking the water sloshes back and forth and has quite a bit of leverage when it slams into one of the ends. This REALLY works your upper body because you are constantly fighting to counter the weight and keep the tube steady and in your hands. It makes you walk like you are on a ship in stormy seas, but instead of being in the water you are carrying the water.

I must say thanks to Blake. If you had not introduced me to this superior way of working out, I may have gone through life without ever knowing how much fun working out could be.

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