Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Try not to eat too much, haha.

Well, I finally got a set of rings. I had initially ordered the EXF rings, but after two weeks of being told that they would ship in the next day or two, I canceled my order. I went with Rogue Fitness for my rings, and am VERY glad that I did. They are solid, have great texture, and hold chalk very well during my workouts.

It only took me 1 day of use in the shop to realize that I had to have an outdoor pull-up/rings station, so I got started the next day. I dug two holes 8 feet apart and 4 feet deep. I chose the 8' spread because I have a 6'7'' wingspan, and if I am ever able to do an Iron Cross I would like to have zero interference. I buried a 16' 6x6 in each hole, making the tops at 12'. Then, dad and I drilled holes in the tops at 11'6'' for the 1 1/4'' galvanized pipe to hold my rings. I plan on drilling another set of holes at 8'. I will add another bar that will be removable for doing standard and kipping pull-ups. This will also give me another location to tie off my rings for lower ring work like push-ups, body rows, ring flys, etc.

Using the rings for pull-ups, dips, push-ups, and anything else you can normally do without rings greatly intensifies the workout. Dips, for example, are fairly easy to do on a standard dip bar, but when you do them on rings you add in the variability of being in a frictionless environment. This means that once you are holding yourself up, you also have to keep the rings steady front to back, side to side, and any other way that they can, and will want to move. Having to continuously hold the ring steady works many more muscles than a standard workout. Also, by doing the workouts on the rings, you are able to achieve a greater Range of Motion (ROM). Push-ups, for instance, no longer have the floor in your way. You are now able to go below your old zero line, giving you greater ROM and building more strength in areas that normally did not get as much exercise.

I have been extremely happy with my experiences with Rogue Fitness. I also ordered a 15 pound Kettle Bell during their moving sale. Instead of $2 per pound, it was $1 per pound. It is great for anyone starting out, women, or just when you want high reps/light weight. Rogue is, without a doubt, customer focused and quality all the way. Many of their products are made in the USA. I will always go to them first for any gear I purchase. Follow them on Facebook here: Rogue Fitness on FB

Oh yeah, the excess pipe on the right side of the rings station. I am leaving that hanging out for the addition of a climbing rope in the future. That way I can have the rope mounted and still do my ring work.

Have a great holiday everyone! And remember, Christmas is 4 weeks away!!

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