Tuesday, October 20, 2009

My Morning Regiment

I start each day off with a short routine of old school "home remedies", for lack of a better term. They consist of Organic Unpasteurized and Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar, Unsulphured Blackstrap Molasses, some Raw Honey, and now the Royal Greens listed in the previous post.

The Organic Unpasteurized and Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar has a multitude of health benefits. They include cures for allergies (including pet, food and environmental), sinus infections, acne, high cholesterol, flu, chronic fatigue, candida, acid reflux, sore throats, contact dermatitis, arthritis, and gout. It is also great for high blood pressure. My mother had near stroke levels of blood pressure. We got her to take this on a regular basis, and in no time her blood pressure was under control and she was off the meds. No, it is not the most pleasant thing to take, but it is so good for you that you have to look past the flavor. You take (2) tablespoons with however much water you have to have to drink it, twice a day. Once in the morning a little while before breakfast and once in the evening. I take it with about a half-tablespoon of water. You want to shake it up before each use to get the "mother" (looks like dirt in the jug) mixed around. This is the heart of the nutrients. If you buy it filtered, you are basically buy expensive colored and flavored water.
Can be purchased here: Vitamin Shoppe

Secondly, the Unsulphured Blackstrap Molasses is high in Iron (essential to creating red blood cells), Magnesium & Calcium (Magnesium is important for balancing with calcium for bone production and energy. It is necessary for the smooth function of our nervous system. It is also helpful in maintaining heart health. Insufficient magnesium levels can result in muscle spasms, including the heart muscle, which of course relates to arrhythmia or even heart attacks), Potassium (A deficiency in potassium results in weak muscles and is considered a factor in causing arthritis. Potassium also helps maintain a calmly functioning nervous system), Manganese(Manganese ions function with a number of enzymes, and are essential to combating unusual free radicals. Like magnesium, manganese also supports cellular absorption of nutrients, and is also beneficial to the nervous system), Copper (helps eliminate the oxidation damage of superoxides), and Zinc (helps support a healthy Prostate). It also helps to get Diabetes under control.
Can be purchased here: The Better Health Store

Thirdly, the Honey. My father and I have had seasonal allergies all of our lives. His got so bad that he would pretty much just shut down at times. We started taking Honey because we knew it had some health benefits, but did not know how far reaching they were. I stopped taking it for a while and started getting minor headaches. Well, when mine were minor his were unbearable. We realized that he had not had a headache all year and that the only difference between us at the time was that he was taking Honey everyday and I was not. I started on the Honey and cleared up quickly. Now we both take a tablespoon or two everyday and have zero seasonal allergies.
Can be purchased anywhere. Many say to go local only, but I am using Honey from California right now and it is working fine.

The Royal Greens benefits are listed in the previous post.
Royal Greens can be purchased here: New Vitality

Hopefully you will give one, or all of these, a try. It's difficult to get into the habit of this routine, but trust me it is well worth it. I feel so alive each day, and I can really tell when I have not been taking it regularly. I start to get lethargic and my brain doesn't function as sharply. So, give it a shot! You won't be disappointed.

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